When it comes to your rabbit’s eyes, you don’t want to take any chances. If you suspect your rabbit may have scratched or injured his eye, call your vet Coachella Valley, CA. A rabbit’s eye can show signs of irritation due to an eyelash or some type of debris in the eye. Irritation and inflammation can also be caused by a scratch whether big or small. Signs that your rabbit may have scratched his eye include watery eyes, green or yellow eye discharge, squinting, excessive blinking, and an avoidance of bright lights. Always call your vet right away as a small irritation could lead to excessive damage to the eye if not treated by a professional right away. In most cases, your vet will want to examine your rabbit’s eye at the office. Your vet may even want to “stain” your rabbit’s eye with a special dye in order to identify any scratches or debris. More information here.
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If you’re going to bring a pet bird into a home with young children there are several precautions you may want to take ahead of time. Your vet Coachella Valley, CA may even be able to help you come up with a game plan for preparing your children for a pet bird. For example, make sure from the start that your children know they should not touch the bird cage or place their fingers between the bars of the bird cage as the bird might bite them. If your children are going to help feed and water the bird, show them how to safely open the cage and replace old food with new food. Remind them not to feed the bird any kind of people food unless you are with them. Encourage your children to participate in the care of the bird while at the same time teaching them the right way to do so. See details here.
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If you own a dog that spends most of his time outdoors then you may be wondering what you should do on the days it rains. Your vet Coachella Valley, CA will most likely advise you to either bring your dog indoors for the day or make sure your dog has adequate shelter outside. If you’re dog is used to living outdoors then the rain will most likely not bother him if he has appropriate shelter. Whether your dog actually takes advantage of the shelter is up to him. You can make shelter for your dog by providing him with a dog house, giving him access to a covered area (i.e. a carport or a run-in shed), or allowing him to stay indoors as your vet may suggest. Dog houses or other shed type shelters can be purchased at local pet stores and some home improvement stores. To learn more, click here.
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Headaches can be debilitating for humans. Can dogs get headaches too?
Dogs can get headaches just like we can. With more olfactory sensors, more light-sensitive rods, and better hearing, it becomes pretty obvious that dogs would be susceptible to headaches.
There are quite a few symptoms to look out for if you think your dog has a headache. Dogs with head pain may retreat to a dark, quiet back room or closet. Affectionate dogs may make it obvious that they don’t want to be touched. Some dogs will even squint and be less enthusiastic about eating than normal.
Treating your dog’s headache is much like treating a headache of your own. Allow your dog all the time he needs to rest in a quiet, dark, cool area. You can consider giving him some medication, but make sure that you check with your veterinarian Wake Forest, NC first. Pay a visit
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Cats depend on their eyesight, but that doesn’t mean a blind cat can’t live a full and happy life. Here are some tips for making life easier for a blind cat.
Minimize the obstacles in your home. That means keeping furniture in the same spot and keeping your home clutter free. You should also refrain from bringing in new pieces of furniture, if it can be avoided. Refrain from moving and make sure your children pick up their toys after they’re done playing.
Blind cats will depend on their hearing, which means you have to control loud noises in your home as well. Refrain from yelling and slamming doors. Move slowly so that you don’t disrupt your cat with loud, sudden movements.
Want to learn more? Click here, or you can visit with your veterinarian Wake Forest, NC to learn more tips.
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