Main » 2015 » August » 26 » Outside Dogs and the Rain
1:09 PM
Outside Dogs and the Rain

If you own a dog that spends most of his time outdoors then you may be wondering what you should do on the days it rains. Your vet Coachella Valley, CA will most likely advise you to either bring your dog indoors for the day or make sure your dog has adequate shelter outside. If you’re dog is used to living outdoors then the rain will most likely not bother him if he has appropriate shelter. Whether your dog actually takes advantage of the shelter is up to him. You can make shelter for your dog by providing him with a dog house, giving him access to a covered area (i.e. a carport or a run-in shed), or allowing him to stay indoors as your vet may suggest. Dog houses or other shed type shelters can be purchased at local pet stores and some home improvement stores. To learn more, click here.

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