Main » 2014 » May » 1 » Helping Your Dog Overcome Anxiety
0:22 AM
Helping Your Dog Overcome Anxiety

Anxiety is a common behavior in dogs that is often manifested in specific situations where a pet dog is not comfortable with his environment, or he craves the attention of the human members of the pack. When your dog experiences anxiety, it can prevent your dog from enjoying life. Anxiety can also make training programs more difficult.

Some dogs may develop separation anxiety when they spend more time away from their owners. When left along for long periods of time, a dog can develop undesirable behaviors that are typically destructive. In order to understand why dogs have the tendency for separation anxiety, you have to consider that by nature, a dog is a pack animal. 

Training is essential in order to help your dog deal with being alone for several hours each day. There are ways to help your dog know why he is alone at specific hours of the day. One of the best ways is to get him accustomed to your routine. Start by leaving him for shorter periods of time and coming back very quickly. Slowly increase the amount of time you left him alone until he will no longer get anxious. 

If you are having problems with your puppy's behavior, talk with a Shawnee vet. Find out more from this link


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