Main » 2018 » May » 6 » Your Kitten’s Need for Vaccinations
12:58 PM
Your Kitten’s Need for Vaccinations

Your kitten receives some protection from disease while nursing her mother’s milk. However, soon after weaning, your kitten may be susceptible to contracting a number of deadly diseases. You will need to get your kitten vaccinated. Laws in your community may require some vaccinations. Restrict your kitten’a contact from un vaccinated or sick cats until she completes her kitten shots. These shots can be given in a single dose or a series of shots. Most vaccinations require periodic boosters throughout your kitten’s life. Don’t skip any shots from a series or the boosters.Skipping or delaying shots could cause a gap in your kitten’s protection from disease. Your kitten may be cranky or sore at the injection site for a day or two after inoculation. Soon she will return to her old self again. Contact your trustworthy vet clinic Ellicott City MD and plan a comprehensive vaccination schedule.

Views: 364 | Added by: Jessicap | Tags: vet clinic Ellicott MD | Rating: 5.0/1
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