Main » 2018 » May » 23 » Your Dog's Germs
7:28 AM
Your Dog's Germs

Some people kiss their dogs or they may share food from their forks or spoons with no problem while others find that behavior disgusting. However, there isn’t much to worry about since there isn’t much in your dog’s mouth that can make you sick unless your dog has dental disease. You should be concerned that you might get sick if your dog eats carrion or poop or anything full of bacteria or parasites. This is especially risky if your immune system is compromised. Your dog licks many parts of his body so a kiss on one part of him may expose you to germs from another part. Watch your children as they interact with your dog. Your dog will be tempted to lick your child on the face, mouth or hands if there is food there. Better to show your love through hugs, petting and lots of praise instead. Consult your vet Roanoke, VA to learn more.

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