Main » 2016 » May » 25 » Why Your Rabbit Plays with Your Hair
3:52 AM
Why Your Rabbit Plays with Your Hair

Rabbits definitely have some strange habits. One of the strangest is playing with your hair. Why do rabbits play with your hair anyway?

There are a few different reasons why your rabbit may like playing with your hair. Is your pet neutered? If not, he may be feeling a bit hormonal. It isn’t uncommon for rabbits to groom or pull on each other’s hair as a part of the mating process.

Whether your rabbit is fixed or not, he may enjoy playing with your hair because it smells so nice. Rabbits are very clean creatures, so they can appreciate a clean head of hair!

For some rabbits, it’s simply a lot of fun to throw long strands of hair around! To learn more about this curious behavior and others, schedule an appointment with your veterinary clinic Marietta, GA.

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