Main » 2016 » May » 12 » Why Your Kitty Does Not Use The Litter Box
5:16 AM
Why Your Kitty Does Not Use The Litter Box

There are various reasons a cat stops using the litter box; identifying the underlying reason of your cat’s undesirable behavior can quickly correct it before it becomes a deeply rooted habit. Inappropriate urination can be caused by health problems or behavioral issues. A health issue may cause a cat to feel an urgency to void urine anytime, anywhere, so when your kitty’s gotta go, he’s gotta go. An infection in the urinary tract or the presence of bladder stones, kidney disease, diabetes mellitus, or an overactive thyroid can all make a cat very thirsty causing him to drink more water, which means the urinary bladder, fills more often, resulting in the need to urinate more frequently. If your cat is given a clean bill of health by your Ashburn, VA veterinarian after a thorough checkup, your pet may litter box issues such as maintenance, the number of litter trays, ambush attacks by other cats, negative associations, the type of litter, etc. Click here to know more.

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