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Why your cat hides often

Your cat is a small little fur ball, and he is also extremely curious. This means he has likely explored every inch of your home, and found lots of wonderful small spaces to hide in. Why does he seek these out so often?

There are many reasons why your pet may be hiding. He may want a peaceful place to sleep, or he may need some time alone. There is also a chance that your pet wants to get away from something that is frightening him. For example, if he tends to hide when you turn on a loud appliance or bring a new guest into your home, this may be the case. Take note of what’s going on when your pet goes off on her own for clues about why she decided to do so. Your local Crown Point IN vet, Southlake Animal Hospital P.C. can help you care for your pet.

Views: 418 | Added by: Jessicap | Tags: vets Crown Point IN | Rating: 0.0/0
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