Main » 2014 » May » 9 » Why the Nose of a Rabbit and Guinea Pig are Always Moving
7:30 PM
Why the Nose of a Rabbit and Guinea Pig are Always Moving

At any point in time, you have likely seen a rabbit’s nose moving as if it has a tickle in its nose. Same with guinea pigs.

The fact is, rabbits don’t have tickles in their noses. They actually are using their noses to check their surroundings.

Just like with dogs and cats, rabbits and guinea pigs and other animals use their noses to sense everything. They can sense upcoming weather and detect the noises and movements of nearby predators.

You may have noticed that, when a rabbit eats a carrot, it sniffs it first. It likely smells the human scent on it and wants to make sure it belongs to a human whose scent it knows and trusts.

If you would like more on rabbits and other things they can do, you can find that info at the website for the vet Oakville, by clicking here.

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