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12:36 PM
Why Dogs Spray

Spraying is arguably one of the most irritating dog behaviors, especially if your canine takes up this annoying pastime indoors. Why do dogs spray anyway?

In many cases, it’s a reproductive issue. Both male and female dogs spray objects, including furniture, in an attempt to communicate with each other. In some cases, you can fix a dog’s spraying problem by having your pet spayed or neutered.

Unfortunately, having your dog fixed doesn’t always stop the problem completely. Some dogs will continue to spray if other dogs in the area are spraying their territory. Some dogs start urine marking furniture simply because they’re excited. Still other dogs have trouble with anxiety, which causes them to spray.

If you’re tired of dealing with your dog’s obnoxious behavior, click here, or ask your veterinary clinic Livonia, MI for advice on how to stop your dog in his tracks.

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