Main » 2016 » May » 17 » Why Cats Need Their Own Litter Box
9:24 AM
Why Cats Need Their Own Litter Box

Cats in multiple cat homes share almost everything from food and water bowls to toys and even your attention. However, cats need their own litter box. Cats are not pack animals and they need privacy at times. One of these times is when using the litter box. Litter box use is usually easy to encourage but relatively minor things can push your cat to find less inappropriate places to go. If your cat feels a lack of privacy or that she has to compete to use the litter box, she may become stressed. In addition, cats are territorial so if the litter box happens to be in another cat’s territory, there will be conflict. Thus each cat should have her own litter box. Keep all the litter boxes clean so your cats find the litter boxes pleasant. For more information, contact your veterinary clinic Moorpack CA.

Views: 445 | Added by: Jessicap | Tags: Cat care, cat litter box | Rating: 0.0/0
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