Main » 2014 » May » 27 » Why Cats ALWAYS Freak Out at Sudden Noises
1:30 AM
Why Cats ALWAYS Freak Out at Sudden Noises

A cat always has to be on the alert, for worry that a predator may jump out at any moment and attack!

…or, at least, this is what your cat’s almost always thinking to itself.

It is to be elucidated that a cat has famously sharp senses, and really good hearing to boot. It’s that good hearing, ironically, that makes a cat jump so badly at sudden noises.

If a cat is focusing very intently on something that interests it, it may become so lost in thought that you might be able to come up behind it and yell “BOO!” and watch in amusement as your cat leaps about 3 feet in the air, its heart pounding away.

It may be funny to see, but it is absolutely cruel to do such a thing to a cat, knowing you’ll frighten it. Cats can have heart attacks too, you know!

If you want to know more about cats and things that scare them (in other words, things you should help your cat avoid, not endorse) you can look here, at the website for the veterinary clinic Nevada City, for more help regarding this.

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