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9:59 AM
When Is a Horse Considered Old?

It’s important to keep tabs on your horse as he gets older because aged animals require different food and different care. But, when exactly is a horse considered old?

It takes quite a while for a horse to mature. As a matter of fact, a horse isn’t considered skeletally mature until the age of five or six! The activity level of the horse should be considered as well.

A horse that is well cared for and exercised on a regular basis may not be considered senior or elderly until he’s 20 years old. However, in general, you might want to start considering your horse middle aged and entering his later years at age 16. If the horse is in poor health, he may be considered elderly much earlier.

To find out if your horse should be considered old, or to discover the age of your animal, schedule an appointment with your veterinary clinic Mattoon, IL.

Views: 543 | Added by: Jessicap | Tags: Pet Care | Rating: 0.0/0
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