Main » 2017 » February » 16 » What Triggers Fatty Liver Disease in Pionus Parrots?
12:36 PM
What Triggers Fatty Liver Disease in Pionus Parrots?

Fatty liver disease can be common in some types of birds including the Pionus Parrot. Symptoms of this disease may include a sudden loss of appetite, lethargy and even depression. If you notice your Pionus Parrot exhibiting any of these symptoms, call your veterinarian immediately. Fatty liver disease occurs in a variety of bird species including Cockatoos, budgies, Amazon parrots, Pionus Parrots, Quaker parrots, lovebirds, and cockatiels. Pionus Parrots and other birds that are overweight may be prone to fatty liver due to extra storage of fat in the liver. A distended abdomen, difficulty breathing, diarrhea, abnormal droppings, and poor feather health may also occur. In addition, poor liver function can lead to problems in the central nervous system which may cause seizures, loss of balance or even muscle tremors. Some birds may exhibit all or none of the symptoms listed. Death often occurs suddenly.  Talk with your veterinary clinic Scottsdale, AZ to lean more.

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