Your guinea pig is important to you, and meeting her needs has become one of your top priorities. You know that in the wild, guinea pigs cover a ton of ground each and every day. How can you help her get enough exercise while in the comfort of your home?
Your pet needs you to take the time to offer her plenty of opportunities to get up and moving. This means not only offering her the space to do so within her enclosure, but also outside of it. However, space alone isn’t quite enough to get things on the right track. Your guinea pig needs to be motivated to get moving, and this can be done fairly easily through play. Offer her toys to occupy her in her enclosure, and give her lots of your attention when outside of it. For more information, please contact your local McHenry, IL vet.
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Your cat may be inside your home full-time, or she may venture outside from time to time. Either way, she will need to be able to have some things to occupy her time when she is indoors. How can you keep her entertained?
Your pet will need your help in keeping herself entertained, as there are a lot of things you don’t want her getting into within your home. Having ample options that are suitable for her will prevent issues from occurring. Place toys around your home in the areas she frequents, and make sure she can find them when feeling playful. Offer areas for her to scratch and get some exercise, like a climbing tree. Also, don’t forget to give her plenty of attention, as this is what will really make her day. For additional information, please contact your local Greenwood, IN vet clinic.
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Guinea pigs can be injured if handled improperly or dropped. Thus it is important to learn how to pick up your guinea pig safely. Check that your pig is comfortable with you. Talk or sing softly while sitting close to the cage. Drape your hand inside to let your pig sniff and explore. You can even try hand feeding your pig. When you are ready to pick up your guinea pig, act quickly and efficiently. Place your hand under his chest and as you lift, use the other hand to scoop up his rear end. Pull your pig toward your chest to keep him from wriggling free and falling. Be prepared to lower your pig to the floor if he gets hard to hold. Never pick up your guinea pig using the scruff of the neck, a limp or even his two front legs like you would a human child. Contact your Brookfield, WI veterinarian to learn more.
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