Your family is excited to bring a new addition into the household. Everyone agrees that a cat would be the ideal pet for your family, but you now have the task of selecting which type specifically would match your lifestyle the best. How can you do this?
Consider how your family interacts with one another, what you have for free time, and how you will be caring for your new furry friend. Because every cat is different, you want to find a cat that will be able to lead a long and happy life while taking advantage of the care you have to offer. Make sure to evaluate what you can happily give a cat, then find the feline companion who would thrive under this care. Your local Westside Animal Hospital Savannah, GA can help you offer your pet a wonderful place to call home.
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Your pocket pet is a part of your family, and you want to make sure you are able to interact with her each and every day. This means taking the time to find the best place for her enclosure, as this will allow her to take part in more family activities throughout the day. Consider the areas you spend time in, and figure out what places would be conducive to her needs. She will want to see the action that’s going on, but she will also need to be able to rest when she needs to. Make sure the temperature will be consistent for her, so refrain from placing her near doors, windows, and vents in your home. She should also be in a safe area where only responsible individuals can have access to her. Your local Savannah, GA vet clinic can help you care for your pet. Visit this website for additional information.
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Your cat is getting older, and you’ve been noticing some changes in her. How can you make sure you are caring for all her needs now that she is a senior?
Your cat will need your car just as she always has. Since she has always been growing and changing, this isn’t much different than the life stages she has experienced in the past, but this one may require you to be a bit more hands on. Senior cats may need more assistance than their owners offered at a younger stage of life, particularly when it comes to mobility issues. Your pet may require assistance grooming herself, and she may need help getting up to or down from high places she once jumped to with ease. Be vigilant, and address her needs as they arise. Your local Savannah, GA vet can offer additional guidance. Visit website to know more.
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Your cat depends on her paws to carry her throughout her daily activities, and might not give them a second thought as she utilizes them. That is, until there is an issue. Her paw pads are very sensitive and can be harmed quite easily. This can be a bit issue for your cat, so you want to help her keep her paws in good shape and prevent problems from occurring whenever you can.
Help her avoid rough terrain or surfaces impacted by extreme temperatures. Check over her paws regularly, particularly if she is coming in from outside. You will want to get familiar with how her paws normally look so you will notice if there are any differences. Things to keep an eye out for include foreign debris that needs to be removed, swelling, scrapes, and discoloration. For additional information, please contact your local Savannah, GA vet clinic.
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Some cats hate the carrier and avoid it at all costs – hiding, scratching, biting, yowling and kicking to stay out. However, you must put your cat in the carrier to get to the vet and when you need someone to care for her when you are away. Leave the carrier with the door open so your cat can check it out on her own. Put a favorite blanket inside along with fun toys and treats to lure your cat inside. Close the door for just a few seconds and then open it again. Gradually increase the time your cat is in the carrier with the door closed. Carry it around the house a little and let her back out. This should help your cat learn to get over her fear of the carrier and trust that you will let her out again. Learn more from your Orleans County, NY veterinary clinic.
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