Main » 2016 » May » 23 » What to Look for When Inspecting Your Dog's Ears
2:43 PM
What to Look for When Inspecting Your Dog's Ears

It’s a good idea to do a general inspection of your dog at least once a week, but some areas are likely to get overlooked. Here’s what to look for when you inspect your dog’s ears.

First, make sure there are no foreign objects stuck inside your dog’s ears. Burs are common culprits, but even bits of grass and small twigs can end up in the ears. It is especially important that you take a close look if your dog has floppy ears as they can trap debris inside the ear canal.

You should also be looking to see how clean your dog’s ears are. If they seem a little dirty, you can use a cotton ball and a gentle dog-friendly cleanser to clean out the inside of each ear.

If you think something may be wrong with your dog’s ears, schedule an appointment with your veterinarians Habersham County GA.

Views: 445 | Added by: Jessicap | Tags: veterinary clinic Habersham County | Rating: 0.0/0
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