Main » 2015 » August » 13 » What to Look for when Buying a Hedgehog
12:28 PM
What to Look for when Buying a Hedgehog

Current hedgehog owners will tell you that paying attention to detail and asking your vet Golden Valley, MN for advice will create a much better hedgehog shopping experience. Even though you want to make the purchase decision on your own it’s always best to have that second person walking alongside of you. When looking at a potential hedgehog you’ll want to make sure his eyes are free of discharge and that they are bright and alert. The nose should be clean and not runny. The hedgehog’s ears should be short, clean and free of bruises or sores. The hedgehog’s spine should have no bare spots as this indicates an unhealthy animal. You should check his pen for green droppings or diarrhea as well. In addition, ask yourself if the hedgehog looks fat. Place him on a standard surface and watch him walk. His stride should be between a waddle and a shuffle. To know more, visit this website.

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