Main » 2017 » August » 26 » What to Do If Your Cat's Medication Is Expired
9:32 AM
What to Do If Your Cat's Medication Is Expired

Chances are, you’ve got some feline medication laying around. It could be an extra dose of flea medicine that you forgot you have, or it could be a bottle from your vet’s office. What do you do if it is expired? First, understand that expired medication doesn’t work quite the same way as food. Just because it expires doesn’t mean it’s bad. It simply means that it has potentially lost its potency. It likely won’t hurt your pet. It just may not work very well. If the medication was given to you by the vet clinic, it’s likely marked to expire long before its time. Look up the expiration date from the manufacturer and you may discover that it actually hasn’t expired at all. When in doubt, you should always schedule an appointment with your veterinarian Flushing, MI. They can tell you if the medication is safe to administer to your pet or not.

Views: 420 | Added by: Jessicap | Tags: Pet Hospital | Rating: 0.0/0
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