Main » 2017 » August » 18 » What should you feed your hamster?
7:16 AM
What should you feed your hamster?

Your hamster is a cute little creature who depends on you for so much. This means that he relies on you to offer him a proper diet. How can you make sure you are feeding him things that will keep him healthy?

Your pet needs you to take a look at what nutrient he needs, and find a way to offer them to him in foods he will enjoy munching on. This typically means that you will be offering a commercial mix to make up the bulk of his diet, then supplementing on the side. Fresh produce, nuts, and seeds are often offered in addition to this to help vary your pet’s diet and give him a sense of variety. Be conscious of portion size as well since hamsters can become overweight rather quickly when offered too much to eat. For additional information, please contact your local Castle Hills TX vet clinic.

Views: 427 | Added by: Jessicap | Tags: Animal Hospital | Rating: 0.0/0
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