Main » 2016 » October » 29 » What does it mean to Hand Graze your Thoroughbred?
9:31 AM
What does it mean to Hand Graze your Thoroughbred?

If your Thoroughbred is not accustomed to being turned out on grass then you will need to take extra precautions if you move your horse to a facility with all day access to grass. If your horse goes from no grass a day to hours of grass daily then he could colic or founder or develop laminitis. To avoid this your vet may suggest that you hand graze your horse for a few weeks to help build up his system and prepare him to handle the new grass in his diet. Hand grazing is when you lead your Thoroughbred to a grassy area and simply allow him to graze while you are holding onto the lead rope. Hand grazing allows you to control the amount of grass your horse consumes. Your veterinary clinic Olathe, KS may suggest hand grazing 15 to 30 minutes daily to start with the intention of building up to several hours on grass. Visit this website Oakbrook Animal Hospital to learn more.

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