Main » 2018 » May » 23 » Understanding Your Cat's Language
9:05 AM
Understanding Your Cat's Language

Cats are pretty vocal and your cat’s vocalizations can provide hints on how to interact with her. Her ubiquitous purr shows that your cat wants to be with your and she is content and happy. Loud meowing certainly gets your attention as it’s designed to do. She may want your attention to get food or just to say hello. Thus you need get meaning from context. The message is clear if your cat meows and runs to her food bowl. Your cat may be upset about something if her yowling is plaintive. She may want to mate or she may be upset with other pets or small children. You probably don’t want to initiate cuddling until your cat calms down. Yowling may also mean that your cat is not feeling well. Consider seeking medical attention if your cat yowls and you can’t determine any behavioral reason. Learn more from your vet clinic Roanoke, VA.

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