Main » 2017 » February » 20 » Treatment for Bulldogs with Canine Diabetes
12:43 PM
Treatment for Bulldogs with Canine Diabetes

Has your vet recently diagnosed your Bulldog with diabetes? If so, make sure to schedule extra time for reviewing treatment plans and long term care with your vet. Understanding how canine diabetes works is generally step one. For instance, you need to understand that canine diabetes occurs when there isn’t enough insulin in a dog’s body causing the body to break down fat and protein reserves as an alternative. Your Bulldog may become lethargic, excessively hungry or thirsty, and have high glucose levels in the urine and bloodstream.  Depending on the severity of the illness, your vet may recommend your Bulldog to be hospitalized to receive fast acting insulin. In most cases; however, diabetes can be treated at home with simple insulin injections or even pills. Diet changes or an increase in exercise may also be recommended as part of treatment. For more details, talk with your veterinary clinic Westside, IN. Visit this website for additional information.

Views: 570 | Added by: Jessicap | Tags: veterinary clinic westside in, veterinarian westside in | Rating: 5.0/1
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