Main » 2016 » July » 6 » Treating Seizures in a Conure
2:52 AM
Treating Seizures in a Conure

Seizures can occur in a variety of bird species including Conures, budgies, Amazon parrots, African Greys, finches and lovebirds. Seizure activity in a Conure usually results in the bird falling from his perch, acting disoriented, becoming restless or agitated, and possibly going into sporadic convulsions. Always call your vet if you notice any abnormal behavior in your Conure. Your vet will most likely examine your bird and run a variety of tests to determine if a seizure occurred and to find a possible trigger or cause. For instance, some seizures can be a result of a vitamin deficiency. If this is the case, your vet will most likely treat the deficiency in order to treat the seizure. It’s important to know that there are no specific cures for seizures. If a cause cannot be treated then medication may be prescribed by your veterinarian North Phoenix, AZ to lessen the severity of the episodes. If you want to know more, visit this website Bell Animal and Bird Hospital.

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