Main » 2016 » July » 28 » Treating Minor Cuts in Yellow Labs
9:40 AM
Treating Minor Cuts in Yellow Labs

If you own a dog like the Yellow Labs then you’re probably already familiar with how much they enjoy being outside and playing in the yard. Sometimes their excessive playtime can lead to a minor cut or bruise. For minor cuts and scrapes, your vet may recommend that you gently clean the wound with warm or cool water. Cleaning solutions such as Vetericyn or even regular iodine or chlorhexine may also be used to clean the wound. Once the wound is clean you may then be told to pat it dry and apply a topical ointment such as Neosporin. These methods of treatment will most likely need to be done two to three times a day until the minor cut or scrape is healed. If the injury is large or deep, cover it with a bandage or cloth and stop the bleeding if necessary. Talk with your veterinary clinic Carmel, IN about treatment and follow up care as well.

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