Main » 2017 » November » 7 » Tips When Switching Your Ferret's Food
4:07 AM
Tips When Switching Your Ferret's Food

Changing your pet ferret’s diet for whatever reason should be done gradually to avoid encountering some problems. Their body needs time to get used to the new diet, thus the need for a transition period.

Start by placing a few morsels of the new food on your hand and offer it to your ferret. Let them sniff and taste the new food so he will get used to it. Pet ferrets that have bonded with their humans like eating from their owner’s hands; it’s also something different than eating from their food bowls. Once the ferret is comfortable eating the new food, start mixing it in with his usual food. Start by mixing 75 percent of the old food and 25 percent of the new food. Then, switch to a 50/50 mixture, and finally 25 percent of the old food and 75 percent of the new new food. If there are no adverse reactions, your pet’s ration will eventually be wholly made up of the new food. It is a good idea to consult your veterinarian Anderson, IN before trying to change your pet’s food.

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