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10:33 PM
Tips for Keeping Your Cat and Toddler Away from Each Other

Surprisingly, cats and babies get along quite well. However, all that changes once your child is able to crawl, and then walk. Once your child becomes a toddler, it’s a good idea to keep them away from each other, especially when you are unable to provide them with direct supervision.

Make sure there are plenty of places for your cat to hang out where he is out of reach of your child. Cat trees and cat-friendly shelving are great ways to get your feline friend off the floor, but you can also clear off the tops of bookcases and end tables.

Make sure your cat has a quiet space he can retreat to. That might be a catio or a spare room with a door that contains a special pet door for your feline friend.

Your veterinary clinic Mt. Pleasant, SC can provide you with more tips.

Views: 412 | Added by: Jessicap | Tags: Animal Hospital | Rating: 0.0/0
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