Main » 2018 » April » 21 » Tips For Dealing With Dog Seizures
1:59 PM
Tips For Dealing With Dog Seizures

When your dog suffers from a seizure, make sure that he is in a safe place, away from the stairs, sharp objects, electrical wires or outlets.

Timing a seizure is very crucial in the diagnosis and treatment of the condition. Seizures that last for more than 5 minutes should be treated as a medical emergency and the dog should be brought to the veterinarian for immediate assistance. It has been shown that seizures lasting more than 30 minutes often predispose brain damage and even death. There are dog owners who share a misconception that a dog undergoing a seizure will swallow his tongue and will try to put their hands inside the dog’s mouth. You should NEVER put your hand near a dog’s mouth while it is undergoing a seizure for you can be bitten.

Some dogs can become aggressive during seizures, thus you should be on your guard. If possible, take a video of your dog during a seizure. This is very important in helping your vet diagnose the condition.

If your dog frequently suffers from seizures, your best veterinarians Plano, TX may advise you on what measures to undertake to prevent complications and irreversible damage.

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