Main » 2017 » August » 29 » Tear Duct Blockage in the Maine Coon
3:53 AM
Tear Duct Blockage in the Maine Coon

A Maine Coon cat’s eyes can be very sensitive to changes in the weather and environment. You may notice that your cat develops watery eyes during allergy season or dry eyes in the winter. Your cat can also develop tear duct blockages. If the eyes appear to be irritated, watery, swollen, or oozing with a yellow or green gunk then it’s time to call your vet. These are typical symptoms of the eye illnesses mentioned above. Your vet will need to examine your cat to determine what the actual cause for eye illness is. For example, the eyes may ooze because the tear ducts are blocked and unable to guide the general tear flow from the eye. Instead, it builds up in the eye. Epiphora is the medical term given when a cat’s tears do not drain correctly through the tear ducts. Talk with your veterinary clinic Greenwood, IN to learn more.

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