Main » 2017 » November » 1 » Teaching Your Pet Mouse to Do Tricks
5:07 PM
Teaching Your Pet Mouse to Do Tricks

Your mouse is smart and you can train him to do fun tricks. Ensure your mouse is accustomed to you by sitting by the cage while you talk or sing to him softly. Drape your hand into the cage so your mouse can explore it. Try to hand feed him. Take your mouse out of his cage for regular exercise and play time. To train your mouse, use a food treat to lure him into approximating the trick you want him to perform. Unsweetened oat loop cereal works well and will tempt your mouse. When he appears to perform the desired trick, add a command word. Practice often and as your mouse performs the trick more reliably, delay the time before you give him the treat. Wait until your mouse masters a trick before starting work on a new one. Be patient and have fun. For more information, contact your Livonia, MI veterinarian. Or visit this site.

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