Main » 2017 » February » 9 » Teaching Your Dog Not to Jump Up
10:19 AM
Teaching Your Dog Not to Jump Up

Most dogs who jump up on people were encouraged to do so while they were puppies. However, this habit is not so much fun now that your dog is fully grown. Thus you need to undo the bad habit and replace it with something appropriate. Every time your dog attempts to jump up on you, quickly turn around so he falls to the ground. When all four feet are on the ground, give your dog a treat and lots of praise. Practice this often and ask other family members and friends to do the same. Eventually your dog will get the message that jumping up is not okay. Try to anticipate when your dog might jump up and insist he sit down next to you. If he is sitting quietly, he cannot be jumping up on people. Use patience and kindness as you correct this bad habit. Learn more from your Pet Clinic Oshawa, ON.

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