Main » 2016 » August » 3 » Teaching your cat not to scratch on the furniture
11:31 AM
Teaching your cat not to scratch on the furniture

Your cat seems to scratch on things around your home quite often. You’d rather she kept this activity to a few designated spots. How can you teach her not to scratch on the furniture?

Your pet needs to know that you don’t approve of scratching on the furniture, so you will need to make an effort to deter her from doing so. Removing her from this spot to an area where it is okay to scratch can do the trick, but there are also sprays that will motivate her to stay away through scent. You should make the area you want her to scratch in seem enticing. This means leaving behind a treat for your pet to find on her scratching post, or offering a toy to make this spot seem more fun. Your local Greenville, SC vet clinic can offer additional advice.

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