Main » 2015 » January » 22 » Taming Your Hamster
2:40 PM
Taming Your Hamster

If your hamster bites or hides in the cage when it’s time for him to play, there are some things you can do to tame him.

When you first bring your hamster home, leave him alone and give him time to explore. Many hamsters may seem skittish or bite only because they are getting used to their new environment.

While taming your hamster, never wake him up to be handled. Choose times when he has already emerged from his shelter.

Offering treats never hurts. Every time you’re near the cage or need to replace his food or water, provide him with one of his favorite treats. Then, try placing the treat in your hand and wait for your hamster to come to you.

After some practice, your hamster won’t mind being handled because he associates your touch with a delicious treat.

For more detailed information on how to tame your hamster, contact your vet Flower Mound or visit this link.

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