Main » 2015 » January » 17

A dog’s anal glands function to lubricate the passage of stool along the rectum; it is also responsible for the distinct scent associated with dogs.

There are two anal glands located on each side of the rectal opening. Each gland secretes a brown, strong-smelling liquid substance. As stool passes through the area, the anal glands receive a small amount of pressure resulting in the release of the fluid along with the dog’s feces.

Dogs have also been known to secrete some of this distinct smelling substance when meeting other dogs. You may notice this when two dogs that have just met raise their tails, an action that applies pressure to the anal glands.

Although most dogs never seem to have a problem with their anal glands, there are cases when bacteria can flourish as a result of impaction of the gland. This is when the glands don&rsq ... Read more »

Views: 516 | Added by: Jessicap | Date: 01.17.2015 | Comments (0)

Heading to the vet every now and then is necessary. Comforting your cat while you are there can help to make the trip a lot more pleasurable. If possible try to stay with your pet throughout the visit. You might not be able to every minute of every visit, but your presence is comforting to your pet. Keep in mind that you are likely the only familiar thing to your cat in this unfamiliar situation. Bringing along an item or two from home may also help your pet remain calm. Try your best to stay upbeat, even if you don’t necessarily feel that way. Your pet can sense how you are feeling, so try to make yourself think positively. If you can, offer a few treats to let your pet know that she is doing a great job. Contact your North Phoenix veterinarian to discuss additional options.

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Views: 485 | Added by: Jessicap | Date: 01.17.2015 | Comments (0)

You love your bird, and want to make sure your home is a safe place for him to enjoy himself. So how do you bird-proof your home?

First, take a good look around. Remove anything harmful that he may eat, or that would pose a choking hazard. Next, check your windows. You may want to close your blinds or draw your shades to keep your pet from running into the glass. If your windows must be open while your bird is out and about, make sure you’re screens are sturdy and secure. Be careful around all small areas – you’re bird can get into any of them. Remember that keeping your home safe is an ongoing issue for pet owners, and must be addressed constantly. Supervise your bird, and remove anything that could become a potential problem. A Glendale vet can help you determine what areas of your home need to be switched around in order to keep your bird safe. Click here ... Read more »

Views: 672 | Added by: Jessicap | Date: 01.17.2015 | Comments (0)