Main » 2016 » May » 6 » Taking time out of your day to spend with your pet
4:51 AM
Taking time out of your day to spend with your pet

Your pet needs you for many things, but these aren’t limited to regular care tasks that must be performed for her to stay happy and healthy. In fact, a large part of pet ownership is bonding with your pet. In order to create a strong friendship, she will need you to take time out of each and every day to offer her some attention. Not only will this help build trust, but it will also show her that she is a priority in your life. Try to create a routine of playing with your pet at a certain point in the day, so you will automatically interact with her during the course of the day. Feel free to offer her some extra attention whenever you can, as she will thrive with you watching over her. Your local Lakewood Ranch, FL vet clinic can help you better understand what your pet needs from you.

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