Main » 2014 » May » 19 » Supplements for Your Pet Russian Tortoise
11:47 PM
Supplements for Your Pet Russian Tortoise

Did you know that your Russian tortoise will benefit from supplements such as calcium and D3? The only catch is that you will have to be very careful about the amount that you give your turtle. A mere dusting over its food will suffice as a surplus of calcium in your tortoise’s system can result in deficiencies of other important elements.

What you can do instead is offer greens that have high calcium content. Be sure that cuttlebone is also readily available. When you employ this method, the tortoise is able to engage in regulating its calcium intake. Do not fret if your tortoise seems to be ignoring the cuttlebone for an extended period as when the need arises, you will notice one day that it is almost gone.

Consider giving your tortoise probiotics as well.

For additional info, visit a vet clinic Loudoun. Read more.

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