Main » 2017 » February » 14 » Stopping Your Dog From Begging at the Table
2:40 PM
Stopping Your Dog From Begging at the Table

Most dogs that beg at the dinner table do so because it works. Your dog begs and he gets food. Thus the first step in stopping this unpleasant habit is to not feed your dog from the table regardless of how much he begs. Make sure all family members agree to this new procedure. Make your dog sit or lie down while you are eating so he is below the table level. You may even need to have him sit on the other side of the room or in another room. Consider feeding your dog his food in his bowl while you are eating so he gets to eat but without the begging. Praise your dog whenever he is sitting or lying down quietly without begging for food while you are eating. Be patient and kind and over time your dog will get the message that begging is not appropriate behavior. Learn more from your Vet Pickerington, OH.

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