Main » 2016 » May » 25 » Special Care Considerations for a Sugar Glider
6:52 AM
Special Care Considerations for a Sugar Glider

The more exotic an animal gets, the more challenging it is to own. However, many people don’t take these things into consideration before bringing a new critter home. Here are a few care considerations when it comes to sugar gliders.

First, sugar gliders are prone to loneliness and depression if they are forced to live alone. If you want your pet to be happy, you should definitely consider owning at least two.

Sugar gliders also have interesting sleep habits. Instead of sleeping at night like us, they sleep during the day. Not only can a sugar glider keep you up at night, you may also struggle to spend time with your pet since he’s most active when you’re trying to sleep.

Want more advice on owning a sugar glider? Call and speak to your animal hospital Minnetonka MN.

Views: 482 | Added by: Jessicap | Tags: MN, veterinarian Minnetonka | Rating: 0.0/0
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