Main » 2016 » May » 28 » Socializing Your Baby Rabbit
8:53 AM
Socializing Your Baby Rabbit

When you bring your baby rabbit home you will need to help him acclimate to being a part of your household. Meet his physical needs first – food, water and housing. Talk to your bunny while sitting close to his cage and try to feed him treats through the bars of the cage. Let your bunny check out your hands when you reach into the cage. Learn how to pick up your bunny properly and when he is comfortable with you, start taking him out of his cage daily for exercise and socialization. Play with your bunny so he associates you with good things. Give him plenty of toys to have fun and keep your bunny mentally stimulated. You can train your rabbit to push balls and toys around, hop up on your lap and a number of other fun tricks to encourage bonding. For more information, contact your Omaha, NE veterinarian.

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