Main » 2016 » August » 20 » Socializing a Cat So He Doesn't Bite
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Socializing a Cat So He Doesn't Bite

Cats aren’t usually biters. You are much more likely to get scratched by a cat. If your cat bites, there’s a larger problem. It is a fear response that can generally be solved by socializing your feline friend.

Biting is much more common in kittens. Just like puppies and small children, kittens explore their environment using their mouths. While your kitty is young, make sure you spend plenty of time with him. Invite others over so he gets used to other people. You can even socialize him with other animals.

If you have an older cat, things will go much more slowly. Instead of going after your cat, you have to wait until he comes to you. That means leaving him hiding in the closet for hours before he may feel safe enough to explore his environment.

If you need help socializing an adult cat, plan a visit with your veterinary clinic Westlake Village, CA. Learn more here.


Views: 467 | Added by: Jessicap | Tags: veterinary clinic Westlake Village | Rating: 5.0/1
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