Main » 2016 » May » 17 » Social Chinese Hamsters
12:01 PM
Social Chinese Hamsters

Did you know that some hamsters may not be social creatures? Some hamsters can be extremely friendly and sociable while others keep to themselves. Whether your Chinese hamster will be a sociable hamster or not simply depends on that particular hamster. For instance the dwarf version of the Chinese hamster is extremely social and loves to be around other hamsters and even people. If purchasing a Chinese or a Chinese dwarf hamster then you should consider buying a pair. However, Syrian hamsters are very territorial and are not accustomed to sharing anything. They tend to fight regularly. As for communication, Chinese hamsters and other breeds use body language and squeaks and squeals to “talk” with one another. High pitched squeaking may indicate your hamster is frightened. Yawning often communicates contentment more than exhaustion. To learn more about your Chinese hamster’s social skills, give your veterinarian Farmington Hills a call.

Views: 507 | Added by: Jessicap | Tags: Chinese Hamsters | Rating: 0.0/0
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