Main » 2016 » August » 9 » Simple Ways to Prolong Your Cat's Life
11:03 AM
Simple Ways to Prolong Your Cat's Life

Our pets are more than just pets. Many times they become important members of our family, which means it’s normal to want to do everything you can to prolong your pet’s life.

When it comes to cats, you can greatly increase your pet’s lifespan if you don’t allow him to go outside. You can literally add years to your cat’s life by limiting his exposure to disease, parasites, and accidents that can easily be found outdoors.
Feeding your cat a high-quality food is a good way to keep his health throughout his entire life. It may cost more upfront, but it will prolong his life.

Scheduling regular appointments with your veterinary clinic Northwest Houston, TX can prolong his life as well. Your vet can make sure your cat is up-to-date on all his vaccinations, identify medical problems early, and provide you with professional advice.


Views: 552 | Added by: Jessicap | Tags: Cat care | Rating: 0.0/0
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