Main » 2016 » December » 14 » Simple Ways To Keep Your Kitty Mentally Alert
7:41 AM
Simple Ways To Keep Your Kitty Mentally Alert

Today, more and more cats live beyond 20 years and many are still mentally alert. Thanks to modern veterinary care, cats are living longer than they have been in the past decades.

As cats age, their body undergo physical and mental deterioration. Fortunately, there are ways to delay mental aging. One of these is regular playtime. There are so many simple yet effective activities that can stimulate your pet, both mentally and physically.

Regular playtime

Even as adults, cats benefit from having regular playtime and physical activity. So their daily routine should include activities that will keep them active and healthy even when they’re already seniors. Simple activities such as letting your kitty chase after a feather on a string or the laser from a pointer are practical and cheap ways to encourage physical activity and mental stimulation.

A cat that is active physically and mentally has higher chances of delaying the onset of Feline Cognitive Dysfunction (FCD).

Regular visits to your Homestead, FL animal hospital will also help ensure your pet’s health and wellbeing.

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