Main » 2016 » December » 22 » Signs Of Respiratory Problems In Snakes
2:28 AM
Signs Of Respiratory Problems In Snakes

Snakes that live in enclosures that are poorly maintained have higher risks of developing respiratory problems. Another important predisposing factor of respiratory problems in snakes is exposure to certain stressors in their immediate environment.

Snakes suffering from respiratory problems manifest coughing and wheezing. They breathe with their mouths open, and often have a runny nose. If your pet snake is exhibiting any of these symptoms, try increasing the temperature in its enclosure; doing so has been shown to kick-start the immune response of snakes. If there are other snakes in the enclosure, make sure to quarantine the one that’s sick to protect the other snakes from getting the infection.

Snakes suffering from mouth rot have also higher risks of developing respiratory infections. Bacterial infections are important causes of respiratory problems in snakes, but fungus, viruses, and parasites have also been implicated in the problem.  You should seek veterinary attention by bringing your pet to your Conyers, GA animal hospital ASAP to prevent serious complications.

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