Main » 2015 » January » 7 » Selecting a cat brush
9:10 PM
Selecting a cat brush

Your cat’s fur needs regular brushing to stay in top shape. You also know that brushing can be a great bonding experience for you and your pet, and that it can help keep your pet comfortable. But how do you know which brush is right for you’re your cat?

Take a good look at your cat’s coat and determine what you will need from a brush. Longhaired cats may need a brush that specializes in removing tangles from fur, while a cat that is very active outside may need a brush that allows for debris removal. If your cat has an issue with hairballs, you may want something that will pick up the most fur possible. Your cat’s preferences are relevant also. If your cat is hesitant to be brushed, a mitten style brush may suit her needs since its use resembles petting. Your Leesburg vet clinic can help you determine the best cat brush for your pet.

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