Main » 2017 » November » 17 » Secondhand Smoke and Your Cat
4:13 PM
Secondhand Smoke and Your Cat

Most people are aware of the dangers of secondhand smoke and people. However, you need to consider the risks to your cat too. Your indoor cat is at particular risk because since she is constantly exposed, day and night, if you allow smoking in your home. This exposure can cause your cat respiratory difficulties and put her at risk for certain cancers. Since all surfaces in your home will be coated with nicotine residue, your cat will be exposed through contact with these surfaces. And your cat will ingest smoke toxins whenever she grooms herself or a companion cat.  Thus the best course of action is to make your home smoke-free. If this is impossible, open the windows often to air out your home. Clean all surfaces regularly and wash your cat’s bed, carpeting, drapes and furniture thoroughly. For more information, contact your New Tulsa, OK veterinarian.

Views: 414 | Added by: Jessicap | Tags: Animal Hospital | Rating: 0.0/0
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