Main » 2017 » August » 18 » Raising a Deaf Canine Companion
2:26 AM
Raising a Deaf Canine Companion

Like humans, sometimes canines can be born with different impairments or even learning disabilities. Some dogs may be born blind while others may be born deaf. If you discover that your canine is hard of hearing or deaf, don’t panic. Your pup is just as precious as one that can fully hear. Your guys is just a little more special and he’s going to require some additional training to make up for it. When working with your pup, focus on the fact that he can see. One of the first things to teach him is to always look to you for commands. You can motion for him to come, to heal, to sit, to shake and more. Instead of being stern with your voice, which he cannot hear, use facial expressions and pats on the head to let him know that he’s doing a good job. For more tips, talk with your vet McClain County, OK.

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