Main » 2017 » December » 17 » Rabbit Bites
7:50 AM
Rabbit Bites

If you startle your rabbit or try to pick him up when he is sleeping, he may lash out by biting you. He may even bite your fingers during feeding if he inadvertently mistakes your finger for a carrot. Thus you need to behave in a way to avoid your rabbit’s bites. However, if your pet rabbit bites you, treat it like other wounds. Wash the wound with soap and water. Apply an antibiotic cream to prevent infection. Bandage the area and keep the wound clean. If the wound is deep or you can’t stop the bleeding, seek medical attention. Watch for signs of infection. A tetanus booster shot may be required if the puncture wound is deep. Rabbits do not transmit rabies to humans. Thus you don’t need to worry about contracting this terrible disease. Never punish your rabbit for biting you. Your rabbit can’t possible understand your cruel actions. Learn more from your Livonia, MI veterinary clinic. Or click this website.

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