Main » 2018 » April » 14 » Protecting your Cat from the Dangerous Effects of Hairballs
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Protecting your Cat from the Dangerous Effects of Hairballs

Grooming is a natural behavior of cats thus you cannot prevent your cat from doing this fastidious habit every single day. To prevent ingestion of large amounts of hair and lessen the incidence of hairball formation in the stomach, your best solution is to groom your cat regularly using special combs and brushes which are designed primarily for the purpose. These grooming tools are available in pet stores and even in online sites that sell pet products and accessories. Daily brushing ensures the frequent removal of hairs that are otherwise swallowed when the cat does its grooming routine.

When they have an upset stomach or when they need extra fiber, cats feed on a variety of grass known as “kitty grass”. You can bring your cat to your lawn but you have to keep an eye on him while you’re outside the house. “Kitty grass or cat grass” is also pre-grown and sold in pet shops and some grocery stores. There are also products which contain mild laxatives to promote unhindered passage of hairs through the digestive system.

Bored cats are more prone to excessive-compulsive grooming. Thus when you have to leave your cats for long hours during the day, think about getting another cat to keep him company or give him a toy to play with.

If your cat suffers frequently from hairball-related problems, your Fort Bragg, NC vet may prescribe certain medications or products to lessen or totally eliminate the problem. Read more here.

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