Main » 2018 » April » 30 » Preventing Your Dog from Jumping Up
2:19 PM
Preventing Your Dog from Jumping Up

Most dogs that jump up on people were encouraged to do so when they were puppies. However, it’s not so much fun now that your dog is fully grown. Thus you will need to deter your dog from jumping up on people and give him something more appropriate to do. Whenever you dog starts to jump up on you, turn your back quickly so he falls to the floor. Don’t make a fuss but when all four feet are on the floor, give him a food treat and lots of praise. Encourage other family member and trusted guests to follow this same procedure. Anticipate situations where your dog may be tempted to jump up and insist he sit by you. If he is sitting at your side, he can’t be jumping up on people. Be patient and never punish your dog while he is learning. Learn more from your best veterinary clinic Washington DC.

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